Photo credits: Karolina Kaboompics

13 Sneaky Food Scams Every Traveler Needs to Avoid

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Traveling is a foodie’s dream—new flavors, unique dishes, and a dash of adventure.

But beware! Not every meal is what it seems.

Here are 13 sneaky food scams that could turn your culinary journey into a cautionary tale.

1. The “Closed” Restaurant Scam

Photo credits: Tim Mossholder

Ever had a “friendly” local tell you your dream restaurant is closed? They then direct you to another spot that you’ve never heard of is open. Surprise! It’s overpriced and they get a cut.

Always double-check by calling or looking it up online. Don’t let their trickery close your appetite for adventure!

2. Inflated Menu Prices

Photo credits: Catherine Heath

You’re handed a menu, but wait—those prices seem sky-high! Restaurants sometimes have separate menus for tourists.

Ask for the local language version, and if prices aren’t listed, consider it a red flag. Remember, a meal shouldn’t cost the same as a flight.

3. The “Free” Welcome Drink

Photo credits: Pixabay

Who doesn’t love a freebie? But that welcome drink might sneak its way onto your bill. Always confirm if it’s truly on the house. If your server insists, make sure it’s noted as such.

No one likes surprise charges disguised as hospitality.

4. Hidden Cover Charges

Photo credits: Karolina Kaboompics

Bread, water, and that charming outdoor seat might come with hidden fees. Always ask about additional charges before you order and inspect your bill carefully.

Surprise charges can leave a bad taste, even if the bread was good.

5. Taxi Driver Restaurant Recommendations

Photo credits: Jake Heinemann

Your taxi driver swears by a restaurant. Is it a gem or a tourist trap? Spoiler: They often get kickbacks. Trust your research or use trusted review apps. Your taste buds and wallet will thank you.

6. Street Food Overcharging

Photo credits: Quang Nguyen Vinh

Street food is a delight until you realize you paid triple the local price. Watch what locals pay and ask for prices upfront. Better yet, get recommendations from those who know the scene. Paying fair means more snacks for you!

7. The Rigged Bill Scam

Photo credits: Jessie McCall

Extra items and overcharges can sneak onto your bill. Keep track of your order and check your bill line by line. If there’s a mistake, speak up. Accuracy isn’t just for exams—it’s for your dinner bill too.

8. Fake “Traditional” Restaurants

Photo credits: Ryutaro Tsukata

Touristy spots often boast about their “authentic” cuisine. The reality? Low-quality imitations. Research real local eateries and avoid places with flashy picture menus. When in doubt, ask a local where they eat.

9. The Seafood Bait-and-Switch

Photo credits: James Wei

Fresh seafood sounds amazing, right? But what if it’s frozen or low-quality? Be wary of deals that seem too good, especially far from the coast. Stick to reputable spots known for their seafood.

10. The “Specialty” Dish Scam

Photo credits: Team Picsfast

Waiters pushing expensive house specials might be selling you a lie. Know your local dishes before you go so you can call their bluff. Stick to your choices and don’t get swayed by persuasive servers.

11. The Incorrect Change Scam

Photo credits: Karolina Kaboompics

Handling unfamiliar currency? Perfect time for vendors to shortchange you. Always count your change carefully and know the local currency. If there’s a mistake, address it politely but firmly. Your money, your rules.

12. The “Friendly” Local’s Food Tour

Photo credits: William Fortunato

A local offers a food tour but leads you to overpriced spots. Stick to reputable tours or plan your own. Your palate and pocket will appreciate the extra effort.

13. The Menu Switcheroo

Photo credits: Gary Barnes

Menus might magically change prices after you’ve ordered. Ensure the menu matches the bill. If something seems fishy, clarify before you order. Don’t let their switcheroo spoil your meal.

Exploring new cuisines should be a joy, not a minefield. Stay savvy, do your research, and keep your wits about you.

Share these tips with your travel buddies and keep the culinary adventures scam-free!