[QUIZ] Are You A Vancouver Sushi Newb Or Expert?

Vancouver is known to have some of the best sushi in Canada.

And it is no secret that Vancouverites are proudly in love with the Japanese dish.

But can you call yourself a sushi expert or connoisseur if you haven’t hit up the best sushi restaurants in Vancouver?

Well, take this quick quiz to see whether YOU should be crowned a Sushi Monarch or an unfortunate Sushi Newb.

Are You A Vancouver Sushi Newb Or Expert?

Take this quiz to see based on how many of the best sushi restaurants in Vancouver you’ve been to!

If you’re a Sushi Monarch – congrats. We bow to you.

But if you’re not – no worries. That just means you’ve got some new spots to add to your probably growing “to eat” list.

Head over to our detailed list of the best sushi restaurants in Vancouver to see what you should order at each spot.