Suntory’s Super Mario Collab Transforms Everyone Into The Favorite Italian Plumber

Ever thought a drink could turn you into Mario?

Suntory’s new collaboration with the Super Mario franchise brings you a chance to transform into everyone’s favorite Italian plumber.

The campaign, launched on April 22, has Japanese gamers and Mario fans buzzing, with two exciting sets up for grabs.

First up is the “Mario Transformation Set,” which includes a Mario hat and a clip-on mustache, instantly transforming any Suntory drink bottle into a mini Mario.

It’s a cute, clever way to embrace your inner Mario while sipping on a refreshing beverage.

The second set is all about playing together, featuring a Mystery Block cooler bag on wheels and a Super Mushroom Ice Pack.

This set complements the “Let’s play together! Let’s go out!” theme of the campaign.

Suntory is also promoting the campaign with an original video, “Minna de Mario” (“Let’s all be Mario”), which features comedic duo Miho Kimura and Eriko Watanabe, known as the “Asagaya Sisters,” adding to the fun.

The transformation sets are a brilliant move by Suntory, combining the popularity of the Mario franchise with their drinks.

It’s not the first time Japanese drinks have included freebies, and fans are hoping to see more collaborations in the future.

Suntory has been known for its creativity in marketing, and this campaign is no exception.

With past campaigns featuring Pokémon and other pop culture icons, it’s exciting to see Mario join the mix, bringing joy to both gamers and drink lovers.

So, if you’re in Japan, don’t miss this opportunity to transform into Mario and enjoy the excitement of winning these unique sets.

And remember, share this cool and interesting find with your friends and family!