The Bunny Cafe
A fun space to socialize with other bunny lovers, or just relax and be one with the buns
Festival Items

Dusted Rose Bunilla Soft Serve
A vanilla rose flavoured vegan soft serve, dusted with strawberry powder. Available in a cup or a waffle cone.
$5.95 in a cup, $6.75 in a cone
*Nut Free; Lactose Free; Gluten Free; Vegan Friendly
Available for entire festival

Roseberry Cardabun Tea Latte
An oat milk based rose-cardamom and strawberry flavoured green tea latte, topped with rose petals.
*Nut Free; Lactose Free; Gluten Free; Vegan Friendly
Available Mar 14 – Apr 4

Cherry Blossom Iced Tea Lembunade
Iced cherry rose sencha tea mixed with lemonade and hibiscus petals. The hibiscus petals create a lovely ombre drink that becomes pinker the longer it sits.
*Nut Free; Lactose Free; Gluten Free; Vegan Friendly
Available Apr 5 – 27
Admission fee is required to go into bunny area; reservations recommended at
Relevant Missions
Complete missions to be entered to win prizes from the festival prize pool!
Spring Crawl
Visit atleast 3 different Festival vendors and share your mini-adventure on Instagram or Tiktok
Perfect Pair
Get 1 Festival drink and 1 Festival dish from the same or different vendors. Share it on Instagram or Tiktok.
Food Buddies
Visit a Festival vendor with a friend. Share a post of both of you enjoying your festival items on Instagram or Tiktok.
Food Expert
Try all the festival items (must be more than 1) from one Festival vendor and share your experience on Instagram or Tiktok.
Among The Blossoms
Take a picture/video of your festival item with cherry blossoms in the background. Share it on Instagram or Tiktok.
Matching Outfits
Match your outfit (colours) with a festival item and share it on Instagram or Tiktok!
Far & Wide
Visit Festival vendors in different municipalities and share it on Instagram or Tiktok
New On The Block
Visit a festival vendor that has only opened for 2 years or less. Share your adventure on Instagram or Tiktok.
Festival Passport
Visit festival vendors to collect stickers and be entered into a special festival sweepstake!