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15 Mind-Blowing Dairy Queen Secrets That’ll Make You Flip Your Blizzard

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Dairy Queen isn’t just your go-to spot for a Blizzard on a hot day—it’s also packed with quirky history and fun trivia.

From secret recipes to celebrity stints, here are 15 surprising facts about this beloved ice cream chain that you can share with your friends.

1. The OG Soft-Serve 

Photo credits: dairyqueenbn

A Family Affair Back in 1938, the McCullough clan wasn’t just whipping up any old ice cream. They were creating history! Grandpa John and son Bradley concocted the magic formula that would become DQ’s signature soft-serve.

Fun fact: They first tested it in Kankakee, Illinois – try saying that five times fast with a mouthful of ice cream!

2. The Trademarked Swirl 

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Not Just a Pretty Curl That adorable little twist on top of your cone isn’t just for show – it’s DQ’s registered trademark! Called “the Q,” it’s like the cherry on top, except it’s made of creamy soft-serve. Instagram influencers, eat your hearts out!

3. Dairy Queen Owns Orange Julius  

Photo credits: Phillip Pessar

Surprise! Your favorite mall smoothie joint is actually part of the DQ family. It’s like finding out your crush is related to your best friend – unexpected, but kinda awesome.

4. Dairy Queen Is Owned by Berkshire Hathaway  

Photo credits: Austin Cooper

When the “Oracle of Omaha” isn’t dishing out investment advice, he’s overseeing your Dilly Bars. Berkshire Hathaway owns DQ, making Buffett the unofficial king of cool treats. We’re still waiting for the limited edition “Berkshire Blizzard.”

5. The Largest Dairy Queen Location Is in Saudi Arabia  

Photo credits: Nafizur Rahman

The world’s largest Dairy Queen isn’t in Texas or even North America – it’s in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia! It’s so big, you could probably spot it from space. Talk about a desert oasis!

6. The Blizzard Was Introduced in 1985  

Photo credits: dq_oman

A Treat That Took the World by Storm Introduced in 1985, the Blizzard became an instant hit. They sold 175 million in the first year alone – that’s enough to give brain freeze to half the US population!

7. Dairy Queen Has Locations in Over 30 Countries  

Photo credits: michaelscottroth

DQ has spread to over 30 countries, but it’s not all smooth sailing. They’ve had to pull out of some places faster than a melting cone on a hot day. Turns out, not everyone appreciates the magic of the upside-down Blizzard. Their loss!

8. The Upside-Down Blizzard Test  

Photo credits: dairyqueenkw

If your server doesn’t flip your Blizzard upside down, you might get it for free! It’s like a magic trick and a delicious treat all in one. Just don’t try this at home with other foods – spaghetti doesn’t work the same way.

9. Mark Cuban Managed a Dairy Queen for a Day  

Photo credits: Gage Skidmore

In 2002, billionaire Mark Cuban managed a Dairy Queen for a day. Why? He dissed an NBA ref, saying the guy couldn’t even manage a DQ. Lesson learned: Be careful what you say, or you might end up slinging Blizzards!

10. Dennis the Menace Was a Spokesperson for 30 Years  

Photo credits: macs.medley

For 30 years, this cartoon troublemaker was the face of DQ. From 1971 to 2001, Dennis probably caused more mischief in DQ ads than he ever did in his own comic strip!

11. No Doubt Was Formed at a Dairy Queen

Photo credits: chincolarecords

Gwen Stefani’s band, No Doubt, has its roots in a Dairy Queen. Her brother Eric met future bandmate Greg Spence while working there. Who knew DQ was the real school of rock?

12. The Largest Blizzard Ever Made

Photo credits: piermario eva

In 2005, the largest Blizzard ever made weighed in at a staggering 8,224.85 pounds in Springfield, Massachusetts. It stood 22 feet tall and held the record for the world’s largest frozen treat.

13. Dairy Queen’s Soft-Serve Isn’t Technically Ice Cream  

Photo credits: dairyqueenqatar

Plot twist: DQ’s soft-serve isn’t technically ice cream! With only 5% butterfat, it’s more like “ice milk.” But let’s be real, does anyone care when it tastes that good?

14. The First Dairy Queen Is a Landmark  

Photo credits: visit_joliet

The first-ever Dairy Queen in Joliet, Illinois, is now a city landmark. It’s no longer serving up cool treats, but it’s serving up a hefty dose of nostalgia.

15. Dairy Queen Tried Fro-Yo in the 1990s  

Photo credits: Dan Gold

Remember when frozen yogurt was all the rage? DQ tried to jump on the bandwagon in the ’90s, but their attempt melted faster than ice cream on a hot sidewalk. Sometimes, you gotta stick to what you know!

These quirky facts show that Dairy Queen is more than just tasty treats—it’s a chain with a rich and surprising history.

If you enjoyed these fun tidbits, don’t keep them to yourself—share them with your friends and spread the DQ love!